Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Rachael Grace Meets the Clan

Rachael was happy & very excited to meet the kids & Laura's mom...

Alex & Brittany were excited to hold their new sister...

Doctor Nathan helped the nurse check Rachael out...

Grammi got to hold her newest grandchild (as well as help Andy pretend he knows what he's doing while taking care of the other kids)...

All in all, Rachael Grace had a Rock-Chalk-kind-of-day with the Mack clan.


Lois said...

What a wee little beauty! How did you get that smile?

Did I mention, I don't know how Laura did it without me? 8->

Kelley said...

I luv all the updates, Andy - you're awesome! It is so much fun to see your beautiful growing family!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mack family!!!