Saturday, October 31, 2009



The kids really wanted to go on the Haunted Hayride this year. We had never been...and it is our last year here, so we decided to go for it. Everyone got scared senseless and Brittany is sure that the guy with the chainsaw was two inches from her head. Maybe it was poor judgment on our part...but these moments always make the best stories. Besides, if not for the haunted hayride, I wouldn't have gotten a chance to talk to the kids about autopsies.

Before the ride began.

We also did the traditional pumpkin carving. Andy was a bit ambitious with his, and it turned out awesome. Rockchalk, Jayhawk!

On Halloween it was raining, just a light mist. But by the time we came home we were soaked. Fortunately it was unseasonably warm.

Brittany as a witch. Rachael as a flower.

Nathan as Jengo Fett. Alex as a Giants football player.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Alex made this rocket for the Space Derby. I think it went about 2 feet in the race. Still, we had a good time making it. :)

Rachael's new favorite thing: playing the piano.

It's that time of year in New York...lots and lots of leaves!

Rachael's new tricks.

Next post...coming soon...Halloween!