Monday, June 8, 2009

A Couple Firsts

Nathan is now officially riding a two-wheeler! He is excited to show anyone and everyone...for however long they'd like to watch...and the entire time he is showing them he is saying such things as, "Aren't I amazing?" and "Can you believe how good I am?" I don't think confidence will be a problem for him...or at least not lack of it.

Rachael is starting to sit, which has been fun family entertainment. We sit her in the middle of the bed and watch her until she falls, at which point the boys (especially Nathan) laugh hysterically and ask to see it again.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Taylor's visit

Andy's brother, Taylor, came to spend five days with us. The wonderful part of his trip was that we didn't plan anything except one trip into the City. That being said, Taylor got to enjoy lots of baseball practices, kids playing outside, schooldays, and Wii Star Wars. I'd like to say the highlight of his trip was the Empire State Building, but if you ask the boys it was, hands-down, playing Wii Star Wars. Please come again soon, Uncle Taylor! We had an awesome time.

Rachael's first subway ride!

Uncle Taylor has been telling the kids for the last year how they need to go to the top of the Empire State Building. I think he finally decided he had better come to visit to make sure this actually happened. So, thank you, Taylor, for helping us mark this off our list. :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cute Rachael

Just a quick post so you can see Rachael. We've got LOTS more that's ready to go... like school plays, our "new" place at West Point, Scouting Ceremonies, baseball, Taylor's visit (etc).

But for now, please enjoy Rachael Grace.