Saturday, October 31, 2009



The kids really wanted to go on the Haunted Hayride this year. We had never been...and it is our last year here, so we decided to go for it. Everyone got scared senseless and Brittany is sure that the guy with the chainsaw was two inches from her head. Maybe it was poor judgment on our part...but these moments always make the best stories. Besides, if not for the haunted hayride, I wouldn't have gotten a chance to talk to the kids about autopsies.

Before the ride began.

We also did the traditional pumpkin carving. Andy was a bit ambitious with his, and it turned out awesome. Rockchalk, Jayhawk!

On Halloween it was raining, just a light mist. But by the time we came home we were soaked. Fortunately it was unseasonably warm.

Brittany as a witch. Rachael as a flower.

Nathan as Jengo Fett. Alex as a Giants football player.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Alex made this rocket for the Space Derby. I think it went about 2 feet in the race. Still, we had a good time making it. :)

Rachael's new favorite thing: playing the piano.

It's that time of year in New York...lots and lots of leaves!

Rachael's new tricks.

Next post...coming soon...Halloween!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Not a whole lot happened in September...just school and soccer. Here is a cute picture of Rachael though. She is 8 1/2 months...and now a champion at pulling up, crawling and climbing stairs. I honestly forgot how much work one baby can be. :)

Oh, we also spent one Saturday in New York City. On the drive to the parking garage I jumped out to take this picture (the diner from Seinfeld). I then put the camera down in the van where it stayed the rest of the day. :) Oops!

Monday, August 17, 2009

The rest of August

Uncle Mark and Aunt Patty came to visit us before school started. It was so great to see them! As always, they spoiled the kids. This time they brought a motorized car, a motorized motorcycle and 2 wiggle cars. It was insane! We sure did have fun though. We took all the stuff to the park and let them go wild. I wish I had taken a picture of the kids on the motorcycle because it was a riot. We thought it might go too fast and be scary, but it just kind of putted along at a nice speed. Mark and Patty, we always miss you as soon as you leave!

Now, for the RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL! We do love the Renaissance Festival, and Rachael handled her first time like a pro. Andy and I started this tradition when we were dating, and we try to go every year. Taking the kids has breathed new life into our trips. They make it feel new [and for those of you who are familiar with Bob the Juggler (whose show never changes), this is a welcome relief.]

Brittany in her pretty flower crown.


As we were leaving we realized we had taken no pictures of Rachael, so these people were nice enough to let us take a picture with them on the walk to the parking lot. :)

Last, but not least, August brought the start of school and Nathan's first day of Kindergarten. It has been crazy getting used to him not being home...but I do have Rachael to keep me busy! :)

This was pure joy for Nate...his very first school bus ride!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

August - Boston

In the beginning of August we took a family trip to Boston. The day we spent in the city was beautiful. There was a lot of interesting history, but we were more focused on trying to find the ducks at Boston Commons (from one of our favorite books, "Make Way for Ducklings".) After a long hike we did, in fact, find Mr. and Mrs. Mallard and their 8 ducklings.

The kids really enjoyed feeding the ducks.

The famous Swan boats.
While in Boston we stayed at Coco Keys, a big water park hotel. This was definitely the highlight of the trip. It was great because we could play for a few hours and then go do other things. It was a great trip.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Yes, the title of this post is July. What's's September? Geez, where does the time go? Here are a few pics of July, I will try to get August up shortly. :)

My parents came to visit for the 4th of July. My mom has come to visit every baby at 6 months old. She swears they are always smiley and happy at this age. Rachael didn't disappoint. They also came during swim lessons, so they were lucky enough to go to the pond every morning to watch the three kids swim. The highlight of the trip was definitely the fireworks, though. They shoot them off over the Hudson River, and it is breathtaking.

Here we are on a family hike with the Cub Scouts. We hiked to the Bear Mountain Zoo to enjoy the zoo and a picnic lunch with friends. On the way home we picked raspberries that were growing along the path. The kids goal was to get 4 cups (enough to make a pie). We did get the 4 cups, and I made the pie...but nobody liked it. It's those little seeds that no one cares for.

We were fortunate enough to go on a Boat ride along the Hudson River. Mr. Metro, who Andy works with, was nice enough to invite us on the cruise. We all had a great time on the 3-hour tour, but the weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was wait, it only rained for 15 minutes and then the sun came back out. False alarm.

The boys put together a boy band this summer and practiced endlessly. They call themselves the Bad Boys. They have about 5 songs, but all the songs sound amazingly similar, and for that matter, their dance moves don't change much either. Still, we had about one concert a week. Towards the end of the summer they got the great idea to charge a quarter to come. It was me and one other Mom. That was the last concert.

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Couple Firsts

Nathan is now officially riding a two-wheeler! He is excited to show anyone and everyone...for however long they'd like to watch...and the entire time he is showing them he is saying such things as, "Aren't I amazing?" and "Can you believe how good I am?" I don't think confidence will be a problem for him...or at least not lack of it.

Rachael is starting to sit, which has been fun family entertainment. We sit her in the middle of the bed and watch her until she falls, at which point the boys (especially Nathan) laugh hysterically and ask to see it again.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Taylor's visit

Andy's brother, Taylor, came to spend five days with us. The wonderful part of his trip was that we didn't plan anything except one trip into the City. That being said, Taylor got to enjoy lots of baseball practices, kids playing outside, schooldays, and Wii Star Wars. I'd like to say the highlight of his trip was the Empire State Building, but if you ask the boys it was, hands-down, playing Wii Star Wars. Please come again soon, Uncle Taylor! We had an awesome time.

Rachael's first subway ride!

Uncle Taylor has been telling the kids for the last year how they need to go to the top of the Empire State Building. I think he finally decided he had better come to visit to make sure this actually happened. So, thank you, Taylor, for helping us mark this off our list. :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cute Rachael

Just a quick post so you can see Rachael. We've got LOTS more that's ready to go... like school plays, our "new" place at West Point, Scouting Ceremonies, baseball, Taylor's visit (etc).

But for now, please enjoy Rachael Grace.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rachael's Grace

Rachael Grace was baptized on Sunday. Her Godparents, Dan and Angie, were able to fly in for the ceremony and it was great to have them here. We celebrated with a small reception, and the Ankosko cousins from New Jersey came up for the day.

My friend, Amy, let me borrow her daughter's Christening dress. It was gorgeous.

First the water, then the oil. Fr. Matt was very generous with the oil, but Rachael reached for more.

Fr. Matt, Dan, Andy and Rachael. The Godparents with Rachael.

Our first family portrait. :)

Group shot outside of the Chapel.

Crazy cousins!

It was a wonderful day. We are fortunate to have such great family and friends. Nate told me today that he wanted to have Rachael baptized every day... he always has enjoyed a good party.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Susan, I'm not sure how you post so regularly with four little kids, but I am always impressed...and not only do you post regularly, but your posts have always happened within the last couple of days (if not hours). Not the case here. So thank you, all, for not giving up on our blog, and enjoy our Easter pictures from last month. :)

We ended up with 4 dozen Easter eggs, and we ate egg salad for far too many meals, but we sure had a good time dying the eggs.

Thanks to the new clothes even the boys were excited about dressing up. Grandma, you rock!

We had an Easter egg hunt outside with all of our friends, but it didn't last very long. It was in the low 40's and very windy. We had a second Easter egg hunt indoors where they found more eggs and a Webkinz.